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July 12, 2010

So far.. My work schedule has been arranged in such a way that weekends are compulsory work days for me and so Monday and Tuesdays are like my weekend. And since the boyfie is involved in NDP this year too, Saturdays are rehearsal days for him, Sundays are family days. Coincidentally though, Mondays are his off days, hence for the past few months, we have been spending our Mondays together.

The way we spend our time together is no different from any other couple. We spend our lazy afternoons at either town or cafe joints or movie theatres, if there are promising movies showing. Today however seem different with all the puns we throw at each other at the top of our heads, hearty laughter we enjoyed after we unravel the puns.

There’s no better way to spend a well-deserved off day with a loved one. :)

And I look forwards to Pundays from now on and like what the boyfie said, I shall cherish all the Pundays with all my heart.

iLove and iWant

July 10, 2010

I’d love to have one of these rugged Roxy backpacks.

x knightcat

Protected: Sometimes love knocks you down

July 10, 2010

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Holiday of the year: Phuket

July 6, 2010

Due to unforeseen circumstances (country’s unrest), we changed our itinerary from BKK to Phuket. But it turned out to be a blessing in disguise, ‘cos I enjoyed myself thoroughly in the land of smiles. We had the beach, sun, sand, shopping, awesome finger-licking food… everything you ever wanted in a paradise was there!

Everything was dirt-cheap except the taxis. Or maybe it was the location we chose la uh… but well, that didn’t dampen our mood and the lack-thereof an itinerary made this trip all the more exciting and here’s some highlights of the trip!

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That little nibble in my heart

July 6, 2010

You know this feeling that pinches your heart once in a while when you recall an incident which you wish you can erase forever? I always feel this little pinch whenever I came across photos taken with my used-to-be-good friends.

There’s always this little part of me that want to turn back time, and right the wrongs, or do some things that may change what took place eons ago. But time never bend backwards, that’s a reality that snaps me out of this meandering thought.

Sometimes I dream that we are good friends once again, and like a dream, it’s only but a fragment of my imagination.

Protected: Obstinate mule

June 30, 2010

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Protected: :(

June 22, 2010

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“You must like what you are doing..”

June 13, 2010

For the umpteenth time, I cannot express how glad I am to find a job which I like. :) Someone told me before, she want to have a job that pays at least 5k every month. I know it’s quite impossible for someone of my qualification to get a job that pays 5k a month, but one can always hope. However, reality knocks on my door to remind me that nothing is free in this world. You reap what you sow, and to earn such a high pay, you definitely have to sacrifice something, which more often than not, is Time.

I came across this rich family, who bought a Merz car just to chauffeur their precious boy to kindergarten, and they use their Porsche to drive to work. As rich as they are, they can’t buy time to spend with their little one, who I could see, yearn for his parents’ love more than the big house or the big, shiny car. Sadly though, money makes this world go round.

And so, I decide, I need not make 5k a month. Just enough for me to contribute to starting a family, and still have quality time with my loved ones, and a little sum to save for rainy days will be enough for me. That’s how I want my life to be- simple. :)

Anyway, Phuket post up next! :)

Looking back

May 11, 2010

After two years of fumbling an stumbling, I’m glad I finally found my footing.

Last year had been the worst year of my life. My education plan was a major flop, my love life was in a mess, my health was deteriorating, I lost all sense of balance and all I could do was cry every day and wish that my life doesn’t suck.

The thing that healed me was time. Because of time, I was able to rationalize everything, let it heal my wounds, and allow me to press ‘Restart’ on the button called ‘Life’.

Which is why I wanted to blog about now, to give blessings to what I have currently:

1) My concerned parents who don’t mind driving me to my workplace when I had to lug that ‘luggage’ of books, and for cooking my order of curry chicken tonight. (once a foodie, always a foodie!)

2), for helping me to find a simple solution to my troubled skin. It’s not completely clear, but I’m working towards it. *touch wood*

3) My close circle of friends, who will always try to make effort for ketchup sessions. :)

4) A great job which I love doing now and I hope, for the rest of my life.

5) Lastly, my tree for being so supportive of me always, and never failing to make me feel so special and cherished every day. :)

When life gives you lemons, don’t make lemonade. Take it, and squeeeeeeze into a cup of margarita instead. :)

Special treatment

May 5, 2010

There will be these moments when we give each other cold shoulders, have our short fuses blown up at each other, and going to bed with heavy hearts or wet pillows.

Then there will also be these moments when he don on this shining armour to save me from my difficult predicament and touched that soft spot in my heart. It’s like falling in love with this boy-turned-man all over again.

Incidents like those made me cherish him more, and ascertain that I am the special one in his heart. :)

Happy 47 baby, and to many more months to come. :)

P.S. *touch wood* that 2 year bond is a joke, please don’t take it for real.